[cello-devel] Something wonderful...

Kenny Tilton ktilton at nyc.rr.com
Wed Mar 17 10:18:03 UTC 2004

Bjørn Nordbø wrote:

>Kenny Tilton wrote:
>>Looks fine to me. Thanks a ton. Do we want a link to the FTP site, or 
>>any other related links? I remember the admin-suggested starter page had 
>>those, and i guess its a good idea -- or do we want to wait until it is 
>>ready for public consumption?
>After reading the text (which is good, by the way),
Thx, I did not know if it would be comprehensible.

> the next thing I
>want to know is "where" and "how".  The next thing to add is probably
>a section about this, ie. what Lisp implementations and operating sys-
>tems are supported and possibly a link to the source code.
Can you get to the FTP area of c-l.net? Hang on...


Frank G. has gotten Portacello2 working on Linux/ACL. I have it working 
under Win32/Lispworks. I bet Solaris/Lispworks will be a snap. But I 
think the "install/build notes" are spread over the cello-devel mailing 
list. If you want to tackle the beast, ping me and i will core dump, 
hopefully by digging up past notes and creating a document. But if we 
can keep this informal until we have a truly portable system that will 
help. It is easy to respond to bug reports, but hard to write documentation.


>It may be a good idea not to make the source code available until it
>is relatively easy to get something working.  There's no point in
>wasting peoples time and patience by handing out something that they
>don't have a snowball's chance in hell to get working..
>>btw, while Mr. Nordbo awaits our inevitable triumph over the mailservers 
>>of the world, anyone with feedback to offer on his query:
>One problem down, (at least) one to go.. :-)
>Meanwhile I'm following the mailing list through the NNTP gateway.


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