[cdr-discuss] About the CDR process

Gary King gwking at metabang.com
Sat Nov 15 18:01:49 UTC 2008

> However, I have the impression that many people understand the period
> of six weeks indeed as the _main_ discussion period for a proposal. If
> we hear a lot of people wishing for extending the default initial
> period to 6 months (or so), we can certainly change the CDR rules to
> reflect the needs of the community.
> Do other people have any opinions on this?

That was my impression. 6-months is probably safer (unless it adds  
greatly to the CDR maintainer's workload).

>> Instead, consider simply resubmitting a document under as a new CDR,
> and state in that document that it supersedes a previous CDR. We can
> also add to the previous CDR that a new CDR supersedes it. This is the
> preferred way for such changes, because it leaves the judgment whether
> a changed document accurately reflects community agreement completely
> to the community.
> Or do you think this is not sufficient?

I strongly _agree_ with Pascal's point. Changes should be new CDRs.

Gary Warren King, metabang.com
Cell: (413) 559 8738
Fax: (206) 338-4052
gwkkwg on Skype * garethsan on AIM

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