[boston-lisp] Next Boston Lisp Meeting: Monday September 29th 2008, 6pm at MIT 34-401B

Mason Loring Bliss mason at blisses.org
Sun Sep 7 22:23:11 UTC 2008

On Sun, Sep 07, 2008 at 12:42:47AM -0400, Faré wrote:

> Clojure http://clojure.org/ is a dynamic programming language that targets
> the Java Virtual Machine.

That's pretty nifty. Is there any chance Clojure would work under MIDP?

Mason Loring Bliss      ((  Another good tip is to remember to spay or neuter
mason at blisses.org        )) your lawyers to help reduce the number of strays.
http://www.blisses.org/ ((                                 -- adapted from /.

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