[bknr-cvs] hans changed trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/

BKNR Commits bknr at bknr.net
Wed Feb 16 11:47:44 UTC 2011

Revision: 4655
Author: hans
URL: http://bknr.net/trac/changeset/4655

Automatically set the charset= attribute in the Content-Type: header
when a string has been returned by the handler.  With this change, it
is sufficient to change *HUNCHENTOOT-DEFAULT-EXTERNAL-FORMAT* to the
desired default charset used for responses.

U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/headers.lisp
U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/specials.lisp

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/headers.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/headers.lisp	2011-02-15 21:45:25 UTC (rev 4654)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/headers.lisp	2011-02-16 11:47:44 UTC (rev 4655)
@@ -53,6 +53,16 @@
   (:method (key value stream)
     (write-header-line key (princ-to-string value) stream)))
+(defun maybe-add-charset-to-content-type-header (content-type external-format)
+  "Given the contents of a CONTENT-TYPE header, add a charset=
+  attribute describing the given EXTERNAL-FORMAT if no charset=
+  attribute is already present and the content type is a text content
+  type.  Returns the augmented content type."
+  (if (and (cl-ppcre:scan "(?i)^text" content-type)
+           (not (cl-ppcre:scan "(?i);\\s*charset=" content-type)))
+      (format nil "~A; charset=~(~A~)" content-type (flex:external-format-name external-format))
+      content-type))
 (defun start-output (return-code &optional (content nil content-provided-p))
   "Sends all headers and maybe the content body to
 *HUNCHENTOOT-STREAM*.  Returns immediately and does nothing if called
@@ -115,7 +125,9 @@
       (setq content (maybe-rewrite-urls-for-session content)))
     (when (stringp content)
       ;; if the content is a string, convert it to the proper external format
-      (setf content (string-to-octets content :external-format (reply-external-format*))))
+      (setf content (string-to-octets content :external-format (reply-external-format*))
+            (content-type*) (maybe-add-charset-to-content-type-header (content-type*)
+                                                                      (reply-external-format*))))
     (when content
       ;; whenever we know what we're going to send out as content, set
       ;; the Content-Length header properly; maybe the user specified

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/specials.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/specials.lisp	2011-02-15 21:45:25 UTC (rev 4654)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/specials.lisp	2011-02-16 11:47:44 UTC (rev 4655)
@@ -114,11 +114,11 @@
   "The three-character names of the twelve months - needed for cookie
 date format.")
-(defvar *rewrite-for-session-urls* t
+(defparameter *rewrite-for-session-urls* t
   "Whether HTML pages should possibly be rewritten for cookie-less
-(defvar *content-types-for-url-rewrite*
+(defparameter *content-types-for-url-rewrite*
   '("text/html" "application/xhtml+xml")
   "The content types for which url-rewriting is OK. See
@@ -154,20 +154,20 @@
 (defvar *session-db* nil
   "The default \(global) session database.")
-(defvar *session-max-time* #.(* 30 60)
+(defparameter *session-max-time* #.(* 30 60)
   "The default time \(in seconds) after which a session times out.")
-(defvar *session-gc-frequency* 50
+(defparameter *session-gc-frequency* 50
   "A session GC \(see function SESSION-GC) will happen every
 *SESSION-GC-FREQUENCY* requests \(counting only requests which create
 a new session) if this variable is not NIL.  See SESSION-CREATED.")
-(defvar *use-user-agent-for-sessions* t
+(defparameter *use-user-agent-for-sessions* t
   "Whether the 'User-Agent' header should be encoded into the session
 string.  If this value is true, a session will cease to be accessible
 if the client sends a different 'User-Agent' header.")
-(defvar *use-remote-addr-for-sessions* nil
+(defparameter *use-remote-addr-for-sessions* nil
   "Whether the client's remote IP \(as returned by REAL-REMOTE-ADDR)
 should be encoded into the session string.  If this value is true, a
 session will cease to be accessible if the client's remote IP changes.
@@ -175,39 +175,42 @@
 This might for example be an issue if the client uses a proxy server
 which doesn't send correct 'X_FORWARDED_FOR' headers.")
-(defvar *default-content-type* "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"
-  "The default content-type header which is returned to the client.")
+(defparameter *default-content-type* "text/html"
+  "The default content-type header which is returned to the client.
+If this is text content type, the character set used for encoding the
+response will automatically be added to the content type in a
+``charset'' attribute.")
-(defvar *methods-for-post-parameters* '(:post)
+(defparameter *methods-for-post-parameters* '(:post)
   "A list of the request method types \(as keywords) for which
 Hunchentoot will try to compute POST-PARAMETERS.")
-(defvar *header-stream* nil
+(defparameter *header-stream* nil
   "If this variable is not NIL, it should be bound to a stream to
 which incoming and outgoing headers will be written for debugging
-(defvar *show-lisp-errors-p* nil
+(defparameter *show-lisp-errors-p* nil
   "Whether Lisp errors in request handlers should be shown in HTML output.")
-(defvar *show-lisp-backtraces-p* t
+(defparameter *show-lisp-backtraces-p* t
   "Whether Lisp errors shown in HTML output should contain backtrace information.")
-(defvar *log-lisp-errors-p* t
+(defparameter *log-lisp-errors-p* t
   "Whether Lisp errors in request handlers should be logged.")
-(defvar *log-lisp-backtraces-p* t
+(defparameter *log-lisp-backtraces-p* t
   "Whether Lisp backtraces should be logged.  Only has an effect if
 *LOG-LISP-ERRORS-P* is true as well.")
-(defvar *log-lisp-warnings-p* t
+(defparameter *log-lisp-warnings-p* t
   "Whether Lisp warnings in request handlers should be logged.")
-(defvar *lisp-errors-log-level* :error
+(defparameter *lisp-errors-log-level* :error
   "Log level for Lisp errors.  Should be one of :ERROR \(the default),
 :WARNING, or :INFO.")
-(defvar *lisp-warnings-log-level* :warning
+(defparameter *lisp-warnings-log-level* :warning
   "Log level for Lisp warnings.  Should be one of :ERROR, :WARNING
 \(the default), or :INFO.")
@@ -219,7 +222,7 @@
   "A global lock to prevent concurrent access to the log file used by
 the ACCEPTOR-LOG-ACCESS function.")
-(defvar *catch-errors-p* t
+(defparameter *catch-errors-p* t
   "Whether Hunchentoot should catch and log errors \(or rather invoke
 the debugger).")
@@ -243,7 +246,7 @@
   #+:openmcl "http://openmcl.clozure.com/"
   "A link to the website of the underlying Lisp implementation.")
-(defvar *tmp-directory*
+(defparameter *tmp-directory*
   #+(or :win32 :mswindows) "c:\\hunchentoot-temp\\"
   #-(or :win32 :mswindows) "/tmp/hunchentoot/"
   "Directory for temporary files created by MAKE-TMP-FILE-NAME.")
@@ -261,13 +264,13 @@
   "A FLEXI-STREAMS external format used internally for logging and to
 encode cookie values.")
-(defvar *hunchentoot-default-external-format* +latin-1+
+(defparameter *hunchentoot-default-external-format* +utf-8+
   "The external format used to compute the REQUEST object.")
 (defconstant +buffer-length+ 8192
   "Length of buffers used for internal purposes.")
-(defvar *default-connection-timeout* 20
+(defparameter *default-connection-timeout* 20
   "The default connection timeout used when an acceptor is reading
 from and writing to a socket stream.")
@@ -292,7 +295,7 @@
 ;; see <http://common-lisp.net/project/hyperdoc/>
 ;; and <http://www.cliki.net/hyperdoc>
-(defvar *hyperdoc-base-uri* "http://weitz.de/hunchentoot/")
+(defparameter *hyperdoc-base-uri* "http://weitz.de/hunchentoot/")
 (let ((exported-symbols-alist
        (loop for symbol being the external-symbols of :hunchentoot

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