[bknr-cvs] hans changed trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/

BKNR Commits bknr at bknr.net
Fri Feb 11 10:10:17 UTC 2011

Revision: 4650
Author: hans
URL: http://bknr.net/trac/changeset/4650

Further status message generation improvements

Provide more substitution variables (${error} and ${backtrace} in particular)
Add simple (and ugly) internal server error template
the HTML message, remove CONTENT argument to simplify things
Update documentation

U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp
U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/doc/index.xml
U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/headers.lisp
U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/request.lisp
U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/taskmaster.lisp
U   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/test/test-handlers.lisp
A   trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/www/errors/500.html

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp	2011-02-10 22:20:18 UTC (rev 4649)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/acceptor.lisp	2011-02-11 10:10:17 UTC (rev 4650)
@@ -543,84 +543,110 @@
       (acceptor-dispatch-request *acceptor* *request*))))
-(defgeneric acceptor-handle-return-code (acceptor http-return-code content)
+(defgeneric acceptor-status-message (acceptor http-status-code &key &allow-other-keys)
    "This function is called after the request's handler has been
-   invoked, before starting to send any output to the client.  It
-   converts the HTTP return code that has been determined as the
-   result of the handler invocation into a content body sent to the
-   user.  The content generated by the handler is passed to this
-   function as CONTENT argument.  For positive return
-   codes (i.e. ``200 OK''), the CONTENT is typically just sent to the
-   client.  For other return codes, the content can be ignored and/or
-   processed, depending on the requirements of the acceptor class.
-   Note that the CONTENT argument can be NIL if the handler wants to
-   send the data to the client stream itself.
+   invoked to convert the HTTP-STATUS-CODE to a HTML message to be
+   displayed to the user.  If this function returns a string, that
+   string is sent to the client instead of the content produced by the
+   handler, if any.
    If an ERROR-TEMPLATE-DIRECTORY is set in the current acceptor and
-   the directory contains a file corresponding to HTTP-RETURN-CODE,
-   that file is sent to the client after variable substitution.
-   Variables are referenced by ${<variable-name>}.  Currently, only
-   the ${script-name} variable is supported which contains the current
-   URL relative to the server's base URL."))
+   the directory contains a file corresponding to HTTP-STATUS-CODE
+   named <code>.html, that file is sent to the client after variable
+   substitution.  Variables are referenced by ${<variable-name>}.
-(defmethod acceptor-handle-return-code ((acceptor acceptor) http-return-code content)
+   Additional keyword arguments may be provided which are made
+   available to the templating logic as substitution variables.  These
+   variables can be interpolated into error message templates in,
+   which contains the current URL relative to the server and without
+   GET parameters.
+   In addition to the variables corresponding to keyword arguments,
+   the script-name, lisp-implementation-type,
+   lisp-implementation-version and hunchentoot-version variables are
+   available."))
+(defun make-cooked-message (http-status-code &key error backtrace)
+  (labels ((cooked-message (format &rest arguments)
+             (setf (content-type*) "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1")
+             (format nil "<html><head><title>~D ~A</title></head><body><h1>~:*~A</h1>~?<p><hr>~A</p></body></html>"
+                     http-status-code (reason-phrase http-status-code)
+                     format (mapcar (lambda (arg)
+                                      (if (stringp arg)
+                                          (escape-for-html arg)
+                                          arg))
+                                    arguments)
+                     (address-string))))
+    (case http-status-code
+      ((#.+http-moved-temporarily+
+        #.+http-moved-permanently+)
+       (cooked-message "The document has moved <a href='~A'>here</a>" (header-out :location)))
+      ((#.+http-authorization-required+)
+       (cooked-message "The server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested.  ~
+                        Either you supplied the wrong credentials \(e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't ~
+                        understand how to supply the credentials required."))
+      ((#.+http-forbidden+)
+       (cooked-message "You don't have permission to access ~A on this server."
+                       (script-name *request*)))
+      ((#.+http-not-found+)
+       (cooked-message "The requested URL ~A was not found on this server."
+                       (script-name *request*)))
+      ((#.+http-bad-request+)
+       (cooked-message "Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand."))
+      ((#.+http-internal-server-error+)
+       (if *show-lisp-errors-p*
+           (cooked-message "<pre>~A~@[~%~%Backtrace:~%~%~A~]</pre>"
+                           (escape-for-html (princ-to-string error))
+                           (when *show-lisp-backtraces-p*
+                             (escape-for-html (princ-to-string backtrace))))
+           (cooked-message "An error has occured"))))))
+(defmethod acceptor-status-message ((acceptor t) http-status-code &rest args &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (apply 'make-cooked-message http-status-code args))
+(defmethod acceptor-status-message :around ((acceptor acceptor) http-status-code &rest args &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (handler-case
+      (call-next-method)
+    (error (e)
+      (log-message* :error "error ~A during error processing, sending cooked message to client" e)
+      (apply 'make-cooked-message http-status-code args))))
+(defmethod acceptor-status-message ((acceptor acceptor) http-status-code &rest properties &key &allow-other-keys)
   "Default function to generate error message sent to the client."
-      ((cooked-message (format &rest arguments)
-         (setf (content-type*) "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1")
-         (format nil "<html><head><title>~D ~A</title></head><body><h1>~:*~A</h1>~?<p><hr>~A</p></body></html>"
-                 http-return-code (reason-phrase http-return-code)
-                 format (mapcar (lambda (arg)
-                                  (if (stringp arg)
-                                      (escape-for-html arg)
-                                      arg))
-                                arguments)
-                 (address-string)))
-       (substitute-request-context-variables (string)
-         (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all "(?i)\\$\\{([a-z0-9-_]+)\\}"
-                                     string
-                                     (lambda (target-string start end match-start match-end reg-starts reg-ends)
-                                       (declare (ignore start end match-start match-end))
-                                       (let ((variable (intern (string-upcase (subseq target-string
-                                                                                      (aref reg-starts 0)
-                                                                                      (aref reg-ends 0)))
-                                                              :keyword)))
-                                         (case variable
-                                           (:script-name (script-name*))
-                                           (otherwise (string variable)))))))
+      ((substitute-request-context-variables (string)
+         (let ((properties (append `(:script-name ,(script-name*)
+                                     :lisp-implementation-type ,(lisp-implementation-type)
+                                     :lisp-implementation-version ,(lisp-implementation-version)
+                                     :hunchentoot-version ,*hunchentoot-version*)
+                                   properties)))
+           (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all "(?i)\\$\\{([a-z0-9-_]+)\\}"
+                                       string
+                                       (lambda (target-string start end match-start match-end reg-starts reg-ends)
+                                         (declare (ignore start end match-start match-end))
+                                         (let ((variable-name (intern (string-upcase (subseq target-string
+                                                                                             (aref reg-starts 0)
+                                                                                             (aref reg-ends 0)))
+                                                                      :keyword)))
+                                           (escape-for-html (princ-to-string (getf properties variable-name variable-name))))))))
        (file-contents (file)
          (let ((buf (make-string (file-length file))))
            (read-sequence buf file)
        (error-contents-from-template ()
          (let ((error-file-template-pathname (and (acceptor-error-template-directory acceptor)
-                                                  (probe-file (make-pathname :name (princ-to-string http-return-code)
+                                                  (probe-file (make-pathname :name (princ-to-string http-status-code)
                                                                              :type "html"
                                                                              :defaults (acceptor-error-template-directory acceptor))))))
            (when error-file-template-pathname
              (with-open-file (file error-file-template-pathname :if-does-not-exist nil :element-type 'character)
                (when file
                  (substitute-request-context-variables (file-contents file))))))))
-      (or (error-contents-from-template)
-          (case http-return-code
-            ((#.+http-moved-temporarily+
-              #.+http-moved-permanently+)
-             (cooked-message "The document has moved <a href='~A'>here</a>" (header-out :location)))
-            ((#.+http-authorization-required+)
-             (cooked-message "The server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested.  ~
-                        Either you supplied the wrong credentials \(e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't ~
-                        understand how to supply the credentials required."))
-            ((#.+http-forbidden+)
-             (cooked-message "You don't have permission to access ~A on this server."
-                             (script-name *request*)))
-            ((#.+http-not-found+)
-             (cooked-message "The requested URL ~A was not found on this server."
-                             (script-name *request*)))
-            ((#.+http-bad-request+)
-             (cooked-message "Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand."))
-            (otherwise
-             content)))))
+    (or (unless (< 300 http-status-code)
+          (call-next-method))           ; don't ever try template for positive return codes
+        (error-contents-from-template)  ; try template
+        (call-next-method))))           ; fall back to cooked message
 (defgeneric acceptor-remove-session (acceptor session)

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/doc/index.xml
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/doc/index.xml	2011-02-10 22:20:18 UTC (rev 4649)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/doc/index.xml	2011-02-11 10:10:17 UTC (rev 4650)
@@ -704,29 +704,31 @@
-      <clix:function name="acceptor-handle-return-code" generic="true">
+      <clix:function name="acceptor-status-message" generic="true">
         <clix:lambda-list>acceptor http-return-code content</clix:lambda-list>
           This function is called after the request's handler has been
-          invoked, before starting to send any output to the client.  It
-          converts the HTTP return code that has been determined as the
-          result of the handler invocation into a content body sent to
-          the user.  The content generated by the handler is passed to
-          this function as <clix:arg>CONTENT</clix:arg> argument.  For
-          positive return codes (i.e. ``200 OK''), the CONTENT is
-          typically just sent to the client.  For other return codes,
-          the content can be ignored and/or processed, depending on the
-          requirements of the acceptor class.  Note that the
-          <clix:arg>CONTENT</clix:arg> argument can be NIL if the
-          handler wants to send the data to the client stream itself.
+          invoked to convert the <clix:arg>HTTP-STATUS-CODE</clix:arg>
+          to a HTML message to be displayed to the user.  If this
+          function returns a string, that string is sent to the client
+          instead of the content produced by the handler, if any.
-          If an ERROR-TEMPLATE-DIRECTORY is set in the current acceptor
-          and the directory contains a file corresponding to
-          <clix:arg>HTTP-RETURN-CODE</clix:arg>, that file is sent to
-          the client after variable substitution.  Variables are
-          referenced by ${<variable-name>}.  Currently, only the
-          ${script-name} variable is supported which contains the
-          current URL relative to the server's base URL.
+          If an ERROR-TEMPLATE-DIRECTORY is set in the current
+          acceptor and the directory contains a file corresponding to
+          HTTP-STATUS-CODE named <code>.html, that file is sent
+          to the client after variable substitution.  Variables are
+          referenced by ${<variable-name>}.
+          Additional keyword arguments may be provided which are made
+          available to the templating logic as substitution variables.
+          These variables can be interpolated into error message
+          templates in, which contains the current URL relative to the
+          server and without GET parameters.
+          In addition to the variables corresponding to keyword
+          arguments, the script-name, lisp-implementation-type,
+          lisp-implementation-version and hunchentoot-version
+          variables are available.

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/headers.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/headers.lisp	2011-02-10 22:20:18 UTC (rev 4649)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/headers.lisp	2011-02-11 10:10:17 UTC (rev 4650)
@@ -145,9 +145,9 @@
 (defun send-response (acceptor stream status-code
                       &key headers cookies content)
   "Send a HTTP response to the STREAM and log the event in ACCEPTOR.
-  STATUS-CODE is the HTTP status code used in the response.  If
-  CONTENT-LENGTH, HEADERS and COOKIES are used to create the response
-  header.  If CONTENT is provided, it is sent as the response body.
+  STATUS-CODE is the HTTP status code used in the response.  HEADERS
+  and COOKIES are used to create the response header.  If CONTENT is
+  provided, it is sent as the response body.
   If *HEADER-STREAM* is not NIL, the response headers are written to
   that stream when they are written to the client.
@@ -160,8 +160,7 @@
         (setf (cdr (assoc :content-length headers)) (content-length*))
         (push (cons :content-length (content-length*)) headers)))
   ;; access log message
-  (acceptor-log-access acceptor
-                       :return-code status-code)
+  (acceptor-log-access acceptor :return-code status-code)
   ;; Read post data to clear stream - Force binary mode to avoid OCTETS-TO-STRING overhead.
   (raw-post-data :force-binary t)
   (let* ((client-header-stream (flex:make-flexi-stream stream :external-format :iso-8859-1))
@@ -180,7 +179,8 @@
     (format header-stream "~C~C" #\Return #\Linefeed))
   ;; now optional content
   (when content
-    (write-sequence content stream))
+    (write-sequence content stream)
+    (finish-output stream))
 (defun send-headers ()

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/request.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/request.lisp	2011-02-10 22:20:18 UTC (rev 4649)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/request.lisp	2011-02-11 10:10:17 UTC (rev 4650)
@@ -224,12 +224,10 @@
                       (log-message* *lisp-errors-log-level* "~A~@[~%~A~]" error (when *log-lisp-backtraces-p*
                     (start-output +http-internal-server-error+
-                                  (if *show-lisp-errors-p*
-                                      (format nil "<pre>~A~@[~%~%Backtrace:~%~%~A~]</pre>"
-                                              (escape-for-html (princ-to-string error))
-                                              (when *show-lisp-backtraces-p*
-                                                (escape-for-html (princ-to-string backtrace))))
-                                      "An error has occured"))))
+                                  (acceptor-status-message *acceptor*
+                                                           +http-internal-server-error+
+                                                           :error (princ-to-string error)
+                                                           :backtrace (princ-to-string backtrace)))))
                (multiple-value-bind (body error backtrace)
                    ;; skip dispatch if bad request
                    (when (eql (return-code *reply*) +http-ok+)
@@ -242,9 +240,9 @@
                          (start-output (return-code *reply*)
-                                       (acceptor-handle-return-code *acceptor*
-                                                                    (return-code *reply*)
-                                                                    body)))
+                                       (or (acceptor-status-message *acceptor*
+                                                                    (return-code *reply*))
+                                           body)))
                      (error (e)
                        ;; error occured while writing to the client.  attempt to report.
                        (report-error-to-client e)))))))

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/taskmaster.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/taskmaster.lisp	2011-02-10 22:20:18 UTC (rev 4649)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/taskmaster.lisp	2011-02-11 10:10:17 UTC (rev 4650)
@@ -322,8 +322,7 @@
     (send-response acceptor
                    (initialize-connection-stream acceptor (make-socket-stream socket acceptor))
-                   :content "<html><head><title>Service unavailable</title></head><body><h1>Service unavailable</h1>Please try later.</body></html>"
-                   :headers '(("Content-Type" . "text/html")))))
+                   :content (acceptor-status-message acceptor +http-service-unavailable+))))
 (defun client-as-string (socket)

Modified: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/test/test-handlers.lisp
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/test/test-handlers.lisp	2011-02-10 22:20:18 UTC (rev 4649)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/test/test-handlers.lisp	2011-02-11 10:10:17 UTC (rev 4650)
@@ -135,9 +135,9 @@
 (defun oops ()
-    (log-message :error "Oops \(error log level).")
-    (log-message :warning "Oops \(warning log level).")
-    (log-message :info "Oops \(info log level).")
+    (log-message* :error "Oops \(error log level).")
+    (log-message* :warning "Oops \(warning log level).")
+    (log-message* :info "Oops \(info log level).")
     (error "Errors were triggered on purpose.  Check your error log.")
      (:body "You should never see this sentence..."))))

Added: trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/www/errors/500.html
--- trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/www/errors/500.html	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot/www/errors/500.html	2011-02-11 10:10:17 UTC (rev 4650)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+  <head>
+    <title>Internal Server Error</title>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <h1>Internal Server Error</h1>
+    An error occured while processing your ${script-name} request.
+    <hr/>
+    <h1>Error Message</h1>
+    <h1>Backtrace</h1>
+    <hr/>
+<a href="http://weitz.de/hunchentoot">Hunchentoot</a> ${hunchentoot-version} running on ${lisp-implementation-type} ${lisp-implementation-version}
+    <hr/>
+    <img src="/img/made-with-lisp-logo.jpg" width="300" height="100"/>
+  </body>

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