[Bese-devel] ANN: UCW-CORE is ready. The future is now!

Mariano Montone marianomontone at gmail.com
Wed Jan 7 02:20:22 UTC 2009

I've been trying to port an application I have and have some questions:

1) Why have you opted to use (call class-name &rest args) instead of (call
component)? I found the older protocol more flexible as I was able to create
my component at will and then call it.

2) What happens to some of the components like task-component,
simple-select-component, login, etc. The files and the code is available,
although is not loaded and they belong to a non existent package
it.bese.ucw. I can replace the package by ucw and load the files of course;
it's just that I wonder if there is a different way of doing things now.



On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 11:43 PM, Mariano Montone
<marianomontone at gmail.com>wrote:

> Thanks!  I was looking for some solid ucw code to work with and it looks
> like this is it. I'll be trying it this month.
> Mariano
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