[Bese-devel] possible javascript unsafeties

Evrim Ulu evrim at core.gen.tr
Wed May 14 10:40:40 UTC 2008


I've been working our lisp->javascript transformer. Could anybody 
enlighten me about why parenscript uses temporary variables while 
looping? What are the possible unsafe code blocks that would result an 
error ?


Form: (JS+ (DOLIST (L BLORG) (DOCUMENT.WRITE (+ "L is " L))))
Expected value: "{
  var tmpArr1 = blorg;
  for (var tmpI2 = 0; tmpI2 < tmpArr1.length;
    tmpI2 = tmpI2 + 1) {
    var l = tmpArr1[tmpI2];
    document.write('L is ' + l);
Actual value: "for (var l = 0; l < blorg.length; l = l + 1) {
document.write('L is ' + l);

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