[Bese-devel] UCW Ajax branch polling/asynch updates

Ian Eslick eslick at csail.mit.edu
Fri Oct 20 19:05:55 UTC 2006

I noticed the recent check-ins by Attila to enable dirty component
tracking which should allow for asynchronous updates.  The polling
script is only enabled for single-frame-applications and I'm having a
devil of a time understanding how this is intended to be used, the
implications of a single-frame application and what the interface is for
informing UCW that one of the components has had an asynchronous content

I have an application I'd love to put together with UCW, but it requires
the ability to perform frequent updating of the client UI based on
background server processes.  Any help/insight would be appreciated.

I've also noticed that the current repository state seems to not handle
the back button and refresh buttons properly.  The isolation counter
example is definitely not behaving correctly on either refresh or back
button (refresh always resets all counters to 0) and I'm seeing funny
behaviors with my current application.  I can provide further details if
this is not a known problem -- or perhaps is a result of my
unfamiliarity with some of the new functionality in the ajax branch.

Thank you,

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