[Bese-devel] [Besde-devel] Looking for a simple working example

Chris Dean ctdean at sokitomi.com
Mon May 22 08:21:54 UTC 2006

Well, I'm glad it's running.  That's a good step!

> (register-application *default-server* *sample-index*)
> causes  the following error (using sbcl):
>   There is no applicable method for the generic function
>         when called with arguments
>             (NIL #<COOKIE-SESSION-APPLICATION "/sample"
>             {118854F9}>).

Sounds like we're dealing with packages differently.  I load (using
asdf) :ucw and in my defpackage I import (that is, use) :it.bese.ucw
and :it.bese.yaclml

Untested code, but something like this:

In mypackage.asd:

    (defpackage #:mypackage-system
      (:use #:cl #:asdf))

    (in-package #:mypackage-system)

    (defsystem #:mypackage
      :depends-on (#:ucw)
      :components ((:module :src :components ((:file "mypackage")))))

In src/mypackage.lisp:

    (in-package #:cl-user)
    (defpackage #:mypackage
      (:use #:cl #:it.bese.ucw #:it.bese.yaclml))

    (in-package #:index)

    ... all the code from the previous email ...

Hope that helps.

Chris Dean

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