[Bese-devel] [Besde-devel] Looking for a simple working example

Sylvain Louboutin sylvain.louboutin at aerloman.com
Mon May 22 07:22:19 UTC 2006

neat,  except that I didn't manage to get it to run as is;   the
part with 

(register-application *default-server* *sample-index*)

causes  the following error (using sbcl):

  There is no applicable method for the generic function
        when called with arguments
            (NIL #<COOKIE-SESSION-APPLICATION "/sample" {118854F9}>).

however,  if I comment this line out,  and instead do a 

(setf *ucw-applications* '(it.bese.ucw-user::*sample-index*))

...which I naively thought should be doing the same thing,  then it
works as advertised.

--Sylvain (completely new to this... so please be patient)

ps ...and I am still trying to figure out how to make a simple example
like this running in its own package/name space without having to muck
around in it.bese.ucw-user.

On Sun, May 21, 2006 at 01:31:49AM +0000, bese-devel-bounces at common-lisp.net wrote:
> (defparameter *sample-index*
>   (make-instance 'cookie-session-application :url-prefix "/sample"
>                   :dispatchers (list (regexp-dispatcher "^/?$"
>                                        (call 'sample-home-page)))))
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