[Bese-devel] Special variables in src/default.lisp

Luca Capello luca at pca.it
Mon May 15 00:08:08 UTC 2006


now that src/default.lisp is compiled by default, I was finding a
better default values for the two most critical variables:
`*ucw-applications-directory*' and `*ucw-log-root-directory*'.

The problem with the former is that now it defaults to
/etc/ucw/applications.d/, thus generating an error it that folder is
not present or the user has set it to nil or another valid folder.
So, with a clever thinking, I think that we can default to:

- nil (probably the best thing)

- when empty, in order and if they exist to ~/.ucw/applications.d/ or
  /etc/uwc/applications.d/ (nil will be the fallback)

I vote for the first option, the etc/conf.lisp file is there for this
kind of customizations ;-)

The problem with the latter, `*ucw-log-root-directory*', is probably
simpler: if $LOGROOT is empty, we can default to ./logs, which is the
folder used by the ucw-boxset.  So, this be something like:

    (defvar *ucw-log-root-directory*
      (or (arnesi:getenv "LOGROOT") "logs"))

Comments/suggestions?  As usual, if no ones will arrive in 3 days,
I'll commit the patch ;-)

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca
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