[Bese-devel] l10n changes

Attila Lendvai attila.lendvai at gmail.com
Sat Jun 17 18:20:35 UTC 2006


the l10n stuff in ucw has been revised. now working hand in hand with
cl-l10n ucw sets the locale according to the setting in the user's
browser. this possible list of locales is tried by the template
resolver to find the most preferred language of the given page.

i'll add some i18n examples eventually that are not tal based.

cl-l10n has stuff like locale specific plural-of, etc. subscribe to
cl-l10n-devel and get your hands dirty with implement stuff for your
mother tongue. i'm working on english and hungarian.

an issue left: encoding is screwed up while templates are processed.
i've fixed their encoding to utf-8 while loading (not too flexible but
still better then the previous ascii) but the rendered page is bugous.
the response heder is wrong, and probably the actul data encoding,
too. Marco?

- attila

(alias 101 on irc &no 'its not lisp code :)

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