[Bese-devel] single-threaded ucw patches

Maciek Pasternacki maciekp at japhy.fnord.org
Sat Jun 17 13:51:26 UTC 2006

On Pungenday, Confusion 22, 3172 YOLD, Lou Vanek wrote:

> and this patch fixes an IE date header problem.

Applied to ucw_dev.  I leave clisp/araneida patch to Marco or someone
else who would be able to test it.

__    Maciek Pasternacki <maciekp at japhy.fnord.org> [ http://japhy.fnord.org/ ]
`| _   |_\  / {  Any sufficently complicated Java program requires 
,|{-}|}| }\/       a programmable IDE to make up for the half of Common Lisp
\/   |____/ not implemented in the program itself. }    ( Peter Seibel )  -><-

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