[Bese-devel] Re: dom-id's in xxx-select-field elements

Attila Lendvai attila.lendvai at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 18:41:36 UTC 2006

> > can you paste the error? they seem to work on my copy of ucw_dev :(
> This is part of examples.lisp:
>               :dispatchers (list (make-instance 'action-dispatcher)
>                                  (simple-dispatcher "mul.ucw"
>                                    (mul-table-example))
>                                  (make-instance 'ucw::minimal-dispatcher
>                                                 :url-string "mul-direct.ucw"
>                                                 :handler (lambda (application context)
>                                                            (declare (ignore application context))
>                                                            (direct-mul-table-example))))))
> I believe standard-application's 'dispatchers accessor was taken out.
> And I don't think the new accessor is exported even though it's an
> external api (or should be).

a patch was backported from the ajax branch (but not the same as it is
in that branch) and the examples were not fixed. i've fixed them in
the ajax branch but this aspect of the two branches are not compatible
now. someone could copy the make-standard-dispatchers defun to ucw_dev
and then pull the examples fix from the ajax branch... i don't have a
dev branch here at hand.

- attila

(alias 101 on irc &no 'its not lisp code :)

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