[Bese-devel] Re: UCW performance

Matthew Danish mdanish at andrew.cmu.edu
Fri Jun 9 14:26:33 UTC 2006

On Fri, May 26, 2006 at 04:03:37PM +0200, Marco Baringer wrote:
> Marco Baringer <mb at bese.it> writes:
> > wrapping the dispatchers in a TIME form is pretty easy (though
> > collecting the output will require some non-protable code), but i
> > think you'd be much better off using your lisp's profiler.
> fwiw i mean something like this:
> (in-package :ucw)
> (defmethod handle-request :around ((server standard-server)
>                                    (request request)
>                                    (response response))
>   (time (call-next-method)))

TIME isn't really meant to be called from the non-top-level, or
programmatically, for that matter.

Better off to use GET-INTERNAL-RUN-TIME, plus, collecting the output will
be less troublesome.

Some interesting statistical profiling add-on could be imagined using
this and method combination, I suppose.

;; Matthew Danish -- user: mrd domain: cmu.edu
;; OpenPGP public key: C24B6010 on keyring.debian.org

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