[Bese-devel] Re: Having a simple-form call an action

Marijn Haverbeke marijnh at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 12:49:43 UTC 2006

> Is there a way to make an object that inherits from simple-form call an
> action when submitted, the way the <ucw:form tag does when you pass it an
> :action argument?

Well, it seems I am confused. Defining a refresh-component for my form class
does allow me to do something when the form is submitted, but it's not quite
what I needed. Firstly, I what I want to do is call an action on the
component that this form is a part of. Now I keep a parent reference to that
in my form component, but that is a bit crummy. Second, when I try to call
answer from this refresh-component method it complains that the form's
calling-component slot is unbound. Which I guess it is... the user got to
that page by clicking a link that called an action which called the
component that this form is a part of. What I expected was that when I call
answer, it will return from the last component that was called... but
apparantly that is not the case.

How can I implement the behaviour of a form that does some checking and then
answers from the current component when it is submitted?

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