[Bese-devel] A newbie question

Ties Stuij cjstuij at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 12:21:47 UTC 2006

On 7/11/06, Rajappa Iyer <rsi at panix.com> wrote:
> I am sure that this must be the result of a boneheaded mistake on my
> part, but for the life of me, I can't figure it out.  So any help
> would be most appreciated.
> Platform: cmucl 19c on FreeBSD 6.1
> In a directory hello-world, I have the following files (shown here
> with contents):
> hello-world.asd
> (defpackage :hello-world.system
>   (:use :cl :asdf))
> (in-package :hello-world.system)
> (defsystem hello-world
>     :version "0.1"
>     :depends-on (:ucw)
>     :author "Rajappa Iyer <rsi at panix.com>"
>     :components ((:file "packages")
>                  (:file "hello-world" :depends-on ("packages"))))
> packages.lisp
> (in-package :cl-user)
> (defpackage :hello-world
>   (:use :common-lisp
>         :it.bese.ucw
>         :it.bese.arnesi
>         :it.bese.yaclml)
>   (:export :*hello-world-application*))
> hello-world.lisp
> (in-package :hello-world)
> (defvar *hello-world-application*
>   (make-instance 'cookie-session-application
>                  :url-prefix "/"
>                  :dispatchers (list
>                                (url-dispatcher "hello.ucw"
>                                                (call 'hello-world)))
>                  :debug-on-error t))

 :dispatchers (list
                               (action-dispatcher) ;; <-- add this one
                               (url-dispatcher "hello-world.ucw"
                                 (call 'hello-world))

try adding the (action-dispatcher) like in the code above.

The funny thing is that first marco introduced the :dispatcher option
in which (action-dispatcher) was required like above, than he pushed
it behind the scenes. A week ago or so i updated ucw again and found
that a required action-dispatcher was needed again. I'm sure the
knowledgable and thoughtfull ucw devs had a good reason.

I should update the ucw tutorial; someone has already been prodding.
But, as with a lot of real world or computer shooting action, the best
tactic seems to be to sit still and wait for the opponent to make a


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