[Bese-devel] Re: ucw-extras

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Tue Feb 28 18:25:27 UTC 2006

Henrik Hjelte <henrik at evahjelte.com> writes:

> I'm proposing a companion code repository for ucw, called ucw-extras. 
> The description can be like below.
> If there are no objections I'll set it up on common-lisp.net soon.
> /Henrik Hjelte
> ucw-extras is a code repository related to Lisp based web-programming
> with an emphasis on UnCommonWeb. It is a place where you can share code,
> snippets, components, demos, documents and ideas that relates to
> UnCommonWeb but shouldn't be a part of it (yet!). This can be for
> several reasons. Maybe the code isn't of high enough quality, maybe it
> is not cross-platform, or maybe you are unsure if it fits. Then
> ucw-extras is the place. 

excellent idea!

> Maybe the code can evolve and be added to ucw later, or maybe it will
> grow into its own project. Or maybe it will be forgotten, only time will
> tell. 
> All code and documents in ucw-extras are released under the
> revised BSD license (without the advertising clause).
> http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
> How do I contribute?
> Subscribe to the mailing list.
> Send a darcs patch bundle to the mailing-list.
> If you want to have write access to the darcs repository, send a request
> to the mailing list.

i can setup another world writtable darcs repo on uncommon-web.com if
you think it'd be a good idea (or even multiple world writable darcs
repo: ucw-extras/forms, ucw-extras/docs, ucw-extras/presentations,

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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