[Bese-devel] Streams Binary Flexi?

henrik hjelte henrik at evahjelte.com
Tue Feb 14 22:21:53 UTC 2006

On tis, 2006-02-14 at 12:30 -0500, Nathan Bird wrote:
> I'm currently looking at some bug in ucw where it is having a hard time
> dealing with form posts using mod_lisp

With my latest bugfix it works for me with a fresh get from darcs. At
least the form demo, the form upload demo doesn't work like before
because mime-part-body now returns a binary-stream to a temporary file. 
Which is really quite nice.

> I see that there is this patch out there (which I am currently trying to
> figure out what is what in merging with darcs)
> Tue Feb  7 15:23:35 EST 2006  henrik.hjelte at poboxes.com
> . mod-lisp reads and writes to a byte-stream
There are two versions of mod-lisp, one in ucw_dev and one in
ucw_public. But both works for me!

> But I wanted to toss out this idea of using flexi-streams
> http://www.weitz.de/flexi-streams/ to handle the binary to character
> conversion and back. I've had occasion to use it on another project recently
> and was pretty happy with it. 
> For example it handles the octet<->string conversion that is currently in
> arnesi's string.lisp (that's what I was using it for at the time).
> It handles conversion between different external-formats pretty well. 
> This suggestion might be coming a bit late I don't know, but I am in favor
> of using good libraries where they exist rather than having unnecessarily
> competing implementations.
> Any thoughts on the matter?

I just tried the flexi-stream for loading characters from the new
mime-part-body, and it was really easy. Flexi-streams looks nice and Edi
Weitz is a great coder. Still, I think that the problems have already
been solved, so maybe it is not necessary to switch now. Marcos code
seems from the look of it to be fast, something that is desirable for me
at least. And Marco is a great coder!

/Henrik Hjelte

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