[Bese-devel] Streams Binary Flexi?

Nathan Bird nathan at acceleration.net
Tue Feb 14 17:30:45 UTC 2006

I'm currently looking at some bug in ucw where it is having a hard time
dealing with form posts using mod_lisp

I see that there is this patch out there (which I am currently trying to
figure out what is what in merging with darcs)
Tue Feb  7 15:23:35 EST 2006  henrik.hjelte at poboxes.com
. mod-lisp reads and writes to a byte-stream

But I wanted to toss out this idea of using flexi-streams
http://www.weitz.de/flexi-streams/ to handle the binary to character
conversion and back. I've had occasion to use it on another project recently
and was pretty happy with it. 

For example it handles the octet<->string conversion that is currently in
arnesi's string.lisp (that's what I was using it for at the time).

It handles conversion between different external-formats pretty well. 

This suggestion might be coming a bit late I don't know, but I am in favor
of using good libraries where they exist rather than having unnecessarily
competing implementations.

Any thoughts on the matter?

Nathan Bird
nathan at acceleration.net

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