[Bese-devel] Re: looking for advice: mixing applications and other content

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Wed Feb 1 12:48:02 UTC 2006

Jan Rychter wrote:

> The non-application part is not static for the most part, so simple file
> serving won't do. I'd like to use yaclml or TAL to generate most of the
> content there, some dynamically and some offline.
> How do people deal with this using UCW?

with a macro like this: this is not the actual code i use (i don't have
that code at hand on this machine) but it's the general idea.

(defmacro deftalpage (url args &optional (template-name url))
  "defines an entry-point for url which calls a template and puts all of
the query-params passed to the url into the page's tal environement (for
easy access via the $foo syntax"
     (defcomponent ,(intern url :my-package)
         (template-component window-component)
       ((args :initarg :args))
       (:default-initargs :template-name ,template-name))
     (defentry-point ,url (:application *my-app*) ,args
       (call ',(intern url :my-package)
             :args (list ,@(mapcar (lambda (a)
                                     (if (listp a) (first a) a))
     (defmethod template-component-environment nconc
         ((template ,(intern url :my-package)))
       (slot-value template 'args))

and then lots of these:

(deftalpage "" () "index.tal")
(deftalpage "product" (p-id sku-id) "catalog/product.tal")
(deftalpage "news" (news-id) "content/news.tal")

> I've pondered running araneida with TBNL and UCW, but it seems like
> overkill.

if we could get ucw to drop the session/frame stuff for certain
entry-points then i'd agree. until then there is an overhead difference
between the two which may (or may not) make the difference for you.

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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