[Bese-devel] unwinding

Aleksandar Bakic a_bakic at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 26 12:42:40 UTC 2005

> generally i just call the starting component again (which never
> answers). what do you want to happen when a user returns to a previous
> page where they were logged in?

What would happen if a bot logged in, then logged out 1000 times? I mean, would
that increase the call stack too much? I am not sure what you mean by
"returns". I am using a login-mixin, so the user would have to relogin if s/he
wanted to do something. I would like to have something like this:

(defaction start ((c lilo)) ; login-logout loop
  (loop (catch 'logout (call 'main)))) ; the main "page"

Then, when the user wants to see a page that requires login, s/he logs in and
continues. When the user logs out, I would like to throw 'logout from a logout
action (which also clears corresponding session data) so that everything on the
call stack is dropped.


> -- 
> -Marco
> Ring the bells that still can ring.
> Forget the perfect offering.
> There is a crack in everything.
> That's how the light gets in.
> 	-Leonard Cohen

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