[Bese-devel] Reusable Components -- UCW and ContextL

Waldo Rubinstein waldo at trianet.net
Fri Sep 23 16:02:10 UTC 2005

Hello list,

As I am still in the process of learning Lisp and UCW (among other  
things), I came across ContextL (http://common-lisp.net/project/ 
closer/contextl.html) and thought it was pretty cool, after reading  
their white paper (http://p-cos.net/documents/contextl-overview.pdf)  
and many other references (e.g. http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/ 
view/941 and http://bc.tech.coop/blog/050913.html).

Well, I don't know if I got the point correctly or not. However, I  
got to think that combining UCW and ContextL with some component  
based glue framework (possibly Lisp-on-Lines that I've heard about  
but have not seen anything about yet) could potentially allow the  
creation of very flexible components.

For example, I suppose you could create some reusable components with  
UCW and Lisp-on-Lines a la ShoreComponents (from the Seaside world --  
see http://shorecomponents.seaside.st/). Now, imagine being able to  
create a model for, say, a Customer in a way that when you call the  
component from the "Customer Maintenance" screens, you see a wealth  
of information about the customer but when you call the "same"  
Customer component from an "Order Entry" screen, it would only  
display the relevant information to capture the order. In essence,  
you would define different views -- render_on -- (layers in ContextL  
language) for the same object.

Has anyone thought about it? Has anyone worked with ContextL and UCW?  
Would the concept of continuations have any effects on the activation/ 
de-activation of the different layers in ContextL?

Just food for thought.


P.D. Is it only me having problems with the demo apps and the upload  
form demo? I can't successfully upload anything without breaking  

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