[Bese-devel] questions

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Fri Sep 23 14:48:57 UTC 2005

Jan Rychter <jan at rychter.com> writes:

>> no, it falls into the "think of a good way and help marco implement
>> it". i'd really really like to see ucw have a nice form api
>> (validation, marshalling and java script alerting are good starting
>> points), i just can't seem to come up with it. this would be as good a
>> time as any to start stealing ideas from other libs.
> Could you please explain how you understand "marshaling" in this
> context?

we send strings back and forth across the wire, but the server (and
the client in most cases) deal with objects like numbers, dates,
countries, etc. 

given a select field which allows you to chose a country i'd much
prefer to have the field hold a CLOS object (on the server) than a

i could have a text input field representing a number, a floating
point value, or just some empty string.


> I'm using SBCL and SLIME. The backtraces work fine, but the problem is
> that they are huge and convoluted to the untrained eye. Combine this
> with CLOS debugging, which even on a normal day isn't that obvious and
> you quickly get into real trouble.
> An example of a problem which took me a while to understand: I had a
> form-component class with a "my-field :component (integer-field)
> :initarg :my-field" slot. I then tried to (call 'my-form :my-field 1222)
> and wondered why it wouldn't work.
> BTW, the error message you get is:
>   There is no applicable method for the generic function
>   IT.BESE.UCW::SLOT-NAME) {BEB5089}> 1222).
> ... which is perfectly obvious after you've realized what the problem
> was. But it doesn't help that the backtrace is 22 levels deep, of which
> only one is potentially useful in resolving the problem and even then
> it doesn't really give many hints.
> I'm not sure what (if anything) can be done about this. Math is hard, as
> Barbie says, right?

ok, it's hard, but we can make it easier. there are certain points in
ucw which have certain expectations, we should insert error
checking/reporting code at those points. call-component, where the
above error originated, is one such place. i'd accept any suggestions
(or even patches) whcih add error checking to ucw, unfortunetly this
is not something i myself can do as i'm to far down inside ucw to
realize what is obvious and what isn't, so someelse will have to point
me in the right direction.

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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