[Bese-devel] tal:dolist

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Fri Sep 23 12:02:14 UTC 2005

Waldo Rubinstein <waldo at trianet.net> writes:

> Your email awakened a couple of questions for me:
> 1) Where can I find more documentation on TAL? Is this only for UCW?
>    I used TAL before with Zope (Python) framework. Is it the same?

TAL is the name given to a style of html (or xml) templating
systems. there's a TAL style library for just about every language out
there (java, perl, python and C# are the ones i know about).

however the details are different in each lib. the documentation for
ucw's implementation of tal (which is done as part of the yaclml
library) is serevrly lacking. i have written a few emails whcih should
be helpfull, unfortunetly i can't find them atm :(

> 2) I've seen postings using a different syntax for generating HTML
>    code from within UCW (YACLML) instead of TAL. Which is the
>    preferred  or recommended method? Is there actually a
>    productivity/performance/ reason for using one over the other?

neither is prefered, different situations require different
solutions. when working alone i prefer to use yaclml, when working
with a designer who uses dreamweaver tal is the way to go since tal,
unlike other templating systems, does not interfere with dreamweaver's
handling of comments, tags and whatnot.

it's worth pointing out that tal files are first translated into
yaclml code and compiled, so deep down there's no difference at
all. tal files take a while to compile but after the first render the
caching mechanism makes them just as fast as yaclml code.

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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