[Bese-devel] presentions and admin patches

Jan Rychter jan at rychter.com
Tue Sep 20 20:04:49 UTC 2005

>>>>> "Aleksandar" == Aleksandar Bakic <a_bakic at yahoo.com>:
 Aleksandar> Well, it works OK for me, for now. I have already asked on
 Aleksandar> the sbcl and slime lists, and the reply (by Christophe
 Aleksandar> Rhodes) was that with the default :spawn mode, GC is not
 Aleksandar> run soon enough after a thread is spawned to execute an
 Aleksandar> arbitrary slime command, resulting in the system being
 Aleksandar> asked for more memory (even though it is never used). I do
 Aleksandar> not know when someone is going to address the issue, and I
 Aleksandar> am neither a slime nor a sbcl expert. But I have
 Aleksandar> experienced bumping into the 4GB wall after a few hours
 Aleksandar> hacking through slime. I have thusly added :fd-handler in
 Aleksandar> my .slime.lisp, too.

Hmm, would this be the cause for my SBCL crashes:

mmap: Cannot allocate memory
;; Connection to Emacs lost.
;; [Can't create a new thread]

I get these every two hours or so. I'll try your workaround, then.


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