[Bese-devel] UCW Installation

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Tue Sep 6 08:02:37 UTC 2005

Waldo Rubinstein <waldo at trianet.net> writes:

> Just as an FYI, I tried to install a fresh copy of UCW on a  Mac OS
> machine with SBCL and came across a couple of problems:
> 1) The copy of UCW I downloaded via darcs (stable version) does not
>    work with stable version of arnesi (darcs). It worked with
>    arnesi_dev

hm. that's not very nice is it :(

try using ucw_dev and arnesi_dev, except for those times when i'm
being really stupid (doing things on the dev branch i should do on
other temporary branches) _dev is your best bet (unless you have
running code and you don't want to get api changes).

> 2) After it finally compiled everything, the console shows:
> WARNING: Can't start slime server due to lack of threads.
> 2005-09-05T23:21.50 +INFO+ IT.BESE.UCW::UCW-LOGGER: Starting up
> standard server #<STANDARD-SERVER HTTPD-BACKEND 2 {405B71C9}>.
> I don't necessarily know what the WARNING means, however, looking at
> the next line, seems to indicate the server is running.

this is just a fyi telling the user that they can't slime-connect. you
can safely ignore it (or use a lisp which has threads).

the 'work around' to this, if you want to use slime's debugger for ucw
errors, is to load up bin/start.lisp but comment out the
(ucw:startup-server ucw:*default-server*) form and execute
(swank:create-server :dont-close t :external-format
(external-format-for :slime)). then connect to slime (M-x
slime-connect) and from the repl in emacs run (ucw:startup-server
ucw:*default-server*). you won't have an active repl you can execute
forms in but at least when there's a ucw error you can use slime's
debugger/inspector and the mighty slime-eval-in-frame.

> Unfortunately, when I go to http://localhost:8080/ucw/examples/
> index.ucw, I get the following error:
> 2005-09-05T23:22.07 +ERROR+ IT.BESE.UCW::UCW-LOGGER: Error #<SIMPLE- 
> ERROR {10F3F6B9}> while serving action.
> 2005-09-05T23:22.07 +ERROR+ IT.BESE.UCW::UCW-LOGGER: Aborting action.
> Control stack guard page temporarily disabled: proceed with caution
> debugger invoked on a SB-KERNEL::CONTROL-STACK-EXHAUSTED: Control
> stack exhausted (no more space for function call frames).  This is
> probably due to heavily nested or infinitely recursive function
> calls, or a tail call that SBCL cannot or has not optimized away.

oh my. this is bad :( would you mind sending a complete backtrace?

> The Mac is running Mac OS X Tiger (10.4) with SBCL 0.9.4

i tried with 10.3.9 and sbcl, ucw_dev and arnesi_dev and the
examples ran fine.

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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