[Bese-devel] (defentry-point "a regular expression"

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Wed Oct 12 16:50:00 UTC 2005

i need to setup some entrypoints which mathes urls defined by a
regular expression like "/catalog/\d+/shipping". i could put this in a
url parameter, but due to non-technical requrimentes i can't, and i
think it makes for a pretty cool (and usefull) extension.

the change itself is fairly trivial and requires only a change to the
find-entry-point method. there are two different ways to implement

1) builtin standard ucw feature. this means i'll change the method
   defined on standard-application and ucw will new gain a new
   dependency (cl-ppcre).

2) a custom application (ala the cookie-session-app). this has the
   advantage that users who don't want this feature needn't download
   and bother with cl-ppcre but means that users who do want it may
   not find it since the examples won't mention it.


Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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