[Bese-devel] CLISP + UCW + SLIME + REPL

vlado tzankov vtzankov at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 22:27:39 UTC 2005


I just managed to patch SLIME and Araneida CLISP support, so I am able 
to run the UCW with Araneida backend and in the same time to connect 
with SLIME to the REPL of the running CLISP. Regardless of single 
threaded CLISP and lack of SERVE-EVENT functionality found in CMUCL and 
SBCL - it is possible to emulate the serve-event stuff with 

So generally CLISP+Araneida+UCW behaves like a multi-threaded system.

The changes I have made are mainly in SLIME - forced it to use the 
Araneida serve-event emulation for CLISP (only if Araneida is present 
of course).
However the patched SLIME currently does not work well with other lisps 
(at least CMUCL) - hope soon to fix this.
There is small change in the host-serve-event in the Araneida clisp 
compatibility layer as well.

If somebody is interested I can post the changes here (or somewhere 
else) - btw the changes are tested only on OS X and CLISP 2.35.


PS: I needed this configuration because of the excellent Unicode 
support in clisp. It can be useful also for creating better win32 ucw 
dev environment.

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