[Bese-devel] Add @as-is:html directive.

Matt Kurjanowicz gtg746q at mail.gatech.edu
Tue Nov 15 04:28:05 UTC 2005

Hi, I needed some way to include HTML directly into the output of  
qbook, so I added an @as-is:html directive.  If any part begins with  
that directive, then it will be outputted as-is to the HTML output  
stream.  If any part begins with @as-is but not @as-is:html it is  
ignored (I foresee @as-is:latex coming too...).  I don't think this  
is a very clean hack because it puts some logic at the formatter  
level that I believe should go at the parser level, but I'm really  
not sure how to go about doing that.

This is my first time with a darcs patch, so if I need to do  
something else instead to make this useable, please let me know.

Matt Kurjanowicz

(Sorry if this is a duplicate)

Mon Nov 14 22:32:15 EST 2005  matt.kurjanowicz at gmail.com
   * Added @as-is:html directive.

New patches:

[Added @as-is:html directive.
matt.kurjanowicz at gmail.com**20051115033215] {
hunk ./src/html.lisp 141
-     (<:as-html (text part))
+     ;; If the part begins with @as-is, then we only use it if it is
+     ;; for HTML.
+     (if (string-equal
+           (subseq (text part) 0 (length "@as-is"))
+           "@as-is")
+         (when (string-equal
+                (subseq (text part) 0 (length "@as-is:html"))
+                "@as-is:html")
+           (<:as-is (subseq (text part) (length "@as-is:html"))))
+         (<:as-html (text part)))


[added README file
Luca Capello <luca at pca.it>**20051111072158]
[Escpae { and } chars in boring regexps.
Marco Baringer <mb at bese.it>**20051105155838]
[remove debian/ folder
Luca Capello <luca at pca.it>**20051028104414

  The CL-Debian group decided to avoid Debian native packages.

[Setup boringfile
Marco Baringer <mb at bese.it>**20050725090856]
[Initial import of qbook. This is equivalent to bese-2004 at common- 
Marco Baringer <mb at bese.it>**20050725090756]
Patch bundle hash:

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