[Bese-devel] ucw_dev and arnesi_dev

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Thu Nov 10 17:19:18 UTC 2005

Adam Jones <ajones1 at gmail.com> writes:

> I would offer to do it except i'm still learning my way around the
> language, much less this specific system. I don't know how to do it,
> and do not have any webspace to host this on. However if it would not
> be too hard for me to learn how to handle something and you want me to
> do it I am more than willing.

the hosting can be done on cl.net. the work consits of 1) deciding
when ucw is stable (this basically amounts to testing it on various
lisps with various configurations); 2) tagging the repos with the
various version numbers 3) creating a tarball and updating the links
on the site; 4) sending out an email to bese-announce (and maybe
lispweb) describing what you've just done. it would be a good idea to
also maintain a list of new-features/bug-fixes between releases.

nb: you don't actually have to understand ucw or lisp to do this, you
just have to be able to run ucw and make sure that, at the very least,
all the examples work. you will also need acess to various lisp
implementations (i can provide ssh access to: sbcl+cmucl+clisp on ppc
and x86 linux, and openmcl on ppc (with all 4 backends). lispworks and
allegro will be more challenging).

ucw runs on 4 main lisp implementations, with 4 different backends on
3 different operating systems. there are about 34
(sbcl/cmucl/openmcl/clisp * darwin-ppc/linux-x86 *
httpd/mod_lisp/araneida/aserve + clisp/araneida/windows +
clisp/mod_lisp/windows) different combinations ucw can run under, do
not underestimate the amount of time testing these combinations will

personally i'd much much prefer you worked on the docs than managing

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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