[Bese-devel] Newbie problem - installed but not working ?

Artur Maciąg Artur.Maciag at artgabi.com.pl
Wed Nov 2 19:14:57 UTC 2005

Henrik Hjelte <henrik.hjelte at poboxes.com> writes:

> I insist you must have misspellt the path. It is wrong in three places
> in the backend log you attached, I presume from a copy and paste. Or
> maybe it was your secretary that typed it wrong :-)

Right, there's typo in path - but I've checked a few paths.
I've pasted wrog part of logs :D

But problem persists.

I've deleted all *.fasl files from yacml, arnesi_dev and ucw_dev - and after
recompilling examples partly works.
- don't work 

- gives me page with examples :D
Good for now.

'Counter' works.

'Component Transaction' and 'Form demo':

(+INFO+ 3339945696 IT.BESE.UCW::UCW-LOGGER "Serving action UCW::SWITCH-COMPONENT in session \"BesghTbjdHfHxhZHWTjTITKNYGElYVRkPGxURIDP\".")

and system hangs - after 2 hours sbcl takes all memory and commits suicide :D

So, there's something wrong with my installation.

I've also tried Marco's hello world:

--- * ---
(in-package :it.bese.ucw-user)

(defvar *hello-world*
  (make-instance 'cookie-session-application :url-prefix "/hello/"))

(register-application *default-server* *hello-world*)

(defentry-point "index.ucw" (:application *hello-world*) ()
  (call 'hello-world-home-page))

(defcomponent hello-world-home-page (simple-window-component)

(defmethod render-on ((res response) (hello hello-world-home-page))
  (<:p "Hello, World!"))
--- * ---

And something new - browser displays:

 No RENDER method defined for #<IT.BESE.UCW-USER::HELLO-WORLD-HOME-PAGE {B349C31}>.

Maybe just delete everything and start from scratch ?


   Artur Maciąg                          http://www.artgabi.com.pl

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