[Bese-devel] "GET /ucw/js/UCWInputCompleter.js HTTP/1.1" 404 -1

Aleksandar Bakic a_bakic at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 17 22:48:26 UTC 2005

> 1) could you trace ucw:publish-directory and make sure that
>    ucw/wwwroot is getting published?

I don't think it's published. In the meantime,  I figured out that the
following helps (in start.lisp and make-image.lisp/ucw-toplevel):

    (publish-directory (server.backend *default-server*)
                       (truename (merge-pathnames "./wwwroot/ucw/js/" dpd))

> 2) if so, what's the value of:
> (ucw:application.www-roots it.bese.ucw-user::*example-application*) ?

It is #P".../wwwroot/ucw/examples/".


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