[Bese-devel] Re: clisp and araneida (and windows)

Alan Shutko ats at acm.org
Fri Jan 28 17:38:32 UTC 2005

>  I'm pointing to http://localhost:8080/ucw/examples/index.ucw and
> the result was the Araneida sorry page (Was asked for URL
> http://localhost:8080/ucw/examples/index.ucw , but it didn't happen
> for us. Sorry)

I was seeing the same thing on SBCL, and after a bit of tracing, found
that I needed to point to 

If you want to change that, change 

(defparameter *backend* (make-instance 'ucw:araneida-backend))

to something like

(defparameter *backend* (make-instance 'ucw:araneida-backend :host "localhost"))

Alan Shutko <ats at acm.org> - I am the rocks.
Anyone stupid enough to be caught by the police is probably guilty.

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