[Bese-devel] Problem installing ucw

berry groenendijk berry.groenendijk at gmail.com
Sun Feb 20 16:26:15 UTC 2005

I am a newbie at Lisp. I am very interested in developing
webapplications in Lisp. So, I am searching for a good, modern
webframework with which I am able to quickly build websites. So, I
stumbled upon Uncommon Web. Unfortunately I have some trouble getting
things up and running.

I am running Linux and Apache 2.0. I installed mod_lisp succesfully.
Now I need to get ucw up and running. I put together this simple
startup script:

(defvar *lisp-dirs* "/home/berry/MyProgs/lisp/" "Root location of CL
library installs")
(load (concatenate 'string *lisp-dirs* "asdf/asdf.lisp"))
(setf asdf:*central-registry*
	(concatenate 'string *lisp-dirs* "ucw_0.3.6/")))
(load (concatenate 'string *lisp-dirs* "ucw_0.3.6/init.lisp"))

When I run this script I get the following error:

[1]> (load "startucw.lisp")
;; Loading file startucw.lisp ...
;;  Loading file /home/berry/MyProgs/lisp/asdf/asdf.lisp ...
;;  Loaded file /home/berry/MyProgs/lisp/asdf/asdf.lisp
;;  Loading file /home/berry/MyProgs/lisp/ucw_0.3.6/init.lisp ...
; loading system definition from
/home/berry/MyProgs/lisp/ucw_0.3.6/ucw.asd into #<PACKAGE ASDF1774>
;;   Loading file /home/berry/MyProgs/lisp/ucw_0.3.6/ucw.asd ...
; registering #<SYSTEM :UCW #x2033C05E> as UCW
; registering #<SYSTEM :UCW.ADMIN #x2034AFB6> as UCW.ADMIN
; registering #<SYSTEM :UCW.ASERVE #x20351566> as UCW.ASERVE
; registering #<SYSTEM :UCW.MOD-LISP #x203573E6> as UCW.MOD-LISP
; registering #<SYSTEM :UCW.ARANEIDA #x2035CA6E> as UCW.ARANEIDA
; registering #<SYSTEM :UCW.CL-ICU #x20362066> as UCW.CL-ICU
; registering #<SYSTEM :UCW.EXAMPLES #x203677C6> as UCW.EXAMPLES
; registering #<SYSTEM :UCW.EXAMPLES.I18N #x203727EE> as UCW.EXAMPLES.I18N
;;   Loaded file /home/berry/MyProgs/lisp/ucw_0.3.6/ucw.asd
*** - Condition of type ASDF:MISSING-DEPENDENCY.
Break 1 [2]>
Break 1 [2]> :i
component :RFC2388 not found, required by #1=#<SYSTEM "ucw"
#x20325C6E>:  standard object
0 [REQUIRED-BY]:  #1=#<ASDF:SYSTEM "ucw" #x20325C6E>
1 [REQUIRES]:  :RFC2388

I am running CLisp. Problem seems to be that the startup file can not
find the compont RFC2388. Despite the fact that it is present in the
ucw directories. Can anyone please help with this?

Berry Groenendijk

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