[Bese-devel] Re: Bug in arnesi parse-float

Jan Rychter jan at rychter.com
Tue Feb 8 11:34:18 UTC 2005

>>>>> "Eugene" == Eugene Tyurin <etyurin at comcast.net> writes:
 Eugene> That's what I've done already. :-) Actually, parsing and
 Eugene> controlling user input is a bitch every time.  That's why the
 Eugene> standard discusses *read-default-float-format* and whole slew
 Eugene> of other goodies.  For example, depending on your locale (US
 Eugene> vs. Europe) string "1,200" could have two totally different
 Eugene> meanings. ;-(

Does the standard really say anywhere that anything depends on the

I'm scared now. Locale is an obsolete concept that has little to do with
they way I work. The assumption that the user is in one cultural place
and uses settings from that place only is fundamentally flawed.


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