[Bese-devel] fixed bug in validate-number-field

Eugene Tyurin etyurin at comcast.net
Sat Feb 5 18:06:26 UTC 2005


This prevents someone from sabotaging the application by inputting a 
non-numeric string into number-field.

Also, I left (if (eql +unitialized+ lisp-value t) as is and added extra 
numberp test.  But should'nt validator return nil if the lisp-value is 
still unitialized?


--- src/components/form.lisp    2005-02-02 23:04:11.000000000 -0500
+++ ../../tmp/form-ent.lisp     2005-02-05 13:01:55.000000000 -0500
@@ -112,17 +112,20 @@
      (if (eql +uninitialized+ lisp-value)
+       (if (numberp lisp-value)
            ((and min-value max-value)
             (< min-value lisp-value max-value))
            (min-value (< min-value lisp-value))
            (max-value (< lisp-value max-value))
-          (t lisp-value)))))
+          (t lisp-value))
+       nil))))

  (defmethod read-client-value :around ((number number-field))
    (unless (or (null (client-value number))
                (string= "" (client-value number)))
-    (call-next-method)))
+    (ignore-errors ; returns NIL in case of SIMPLE-PARSE-ERROR
+      (call-next-method))))

  (defmethod render-on ((res response) (n number-field))
    (<ucw:input :type "text" :accessor (client-value n)))

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