[Bese-devel] what's wrong with the following code?

Friedrich Dominicus frido at q-software-solutions.de
Wed Aug 24 08:09:47 UTC 2005

could that be a bug? the declaration of the shipping-adr class is:

(defcomponent address-mixin ()
  ((adr :initarg :adr :accessor adr
        :backtrack t
        :initform (make-instance 'qss.db::shipping-address)))
  (:metaclass standard-component-class))

;; (forget-class :shipping-adr)
(defclass shipping-adr (address-mixin)
  (:metaclass standard-component-class))

So it should be a standard component class, looking through the
sources I found:
(defun initialize-component-class-after (class)
  ":after initialization function for standard-component-class objects.

shouldn't that fill the missing slots?


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