[Bese-devel] what's wrong with the following code?
Friedrich Dominicus
frido at q-software-solutions.de
Sun Aug 21 03:28:44 UTC 2005
(defaction shop-login ((login shop-login) username password)
(setf (login.username login) username
(login.password login) password)
(let* ((user-data (check-credentials login))
(shipping-adr (make-instance 'shipping-adr :adr (car (qss.db::shipping-address user-data)))))
;; car is needed because a join slot always returns a list!
(inspect login)
(inspect shipping-adr)
(if shipping-adr
(call 'customer-input-page
:customer-data user-data
:address shipping-adr
:payment-details nil)
(call 'info-message
:message "Login failed"))))
The shipping-adr class is defined this way:
(defcomponent address-mixin ()
((adr :initarg :adr :accessor adr
:backtrack t
:initform (make-instance 'qss.db::shipping-address)))
(:metaclass standard-component-class))
;; (forget-class :shipping-adr)
(defclass shipping-adr (address-mixin)
(:metaclass standard-component-class))
If I inspect login I see the following:
*CONTEXT*) {1001391471}>
that's ok, the shipping-adr has the following
0. CONTINUATION: "unbound"
2. PLACE: "unbound"
which seems itself reasonable, but then I do the following
(defmethod render-on ((res response) (customer-page customer-input-page))
(<:h1 "Your adress data: ")
(render-on res (address customer-page)))
which then calls this:
(defmethod render-on ((res response) (adr shipping-adr))
(let ((address (adr adr)))
(inspect adr)
(<ucw:form :action (edit-address adr)
(dolist (item '(street zip city country email))
(present-a-slot-as-table-row item (slot-value address item))))
(<ucw:submit :action (edit-address adr)
:value "Edit")))))
This is rendered fine.
But then I push the button and got:
The slot IT.BESE.UCW::PLACE is unbound in the object #<SHIPPING-ADR {10017C2171}>.
[Condition of type UNBOUND-SLOT]
0: [SHOW-BACKTRACE] Send the client a backtrace page.
1: [RETRY] Clearout the response and retry calling the action.
2: [SERVER-ERROR] Send the client an internal server error page.
3: [GENERATE-BACKTRACE-FOR-EMACS] Generate a bug report in Emacs.
That's of course true, but not what I like to see of course I'd like
to call the next action and go on from there.
So how am I supposed to build such a action-render-render-action
what i want is:
checking the login credentials
if the the customer can be found then show me his/her address
if the data have changed allow to change them
change the data
display the changed data
go on wiht the state as if he/she had not changed the address
display e.g the payment terms the customer has taken.
allow changes as needed
Help would be very appreciated.
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