[Bese-devel] How to use tal-templates

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Mon Aug 15 08:34:09 UTC 2005

Marco Simon <marco_simon at web.de> writes:

> Hi William,
> I fear I didn't explain correctly what's my need.
> Perhaps I should tell what I wanna do:
> I want to embed some html or js snippets directly into
> my ucw-code. (something like
> (<:as-is code_snippet)
> An easy example would be:
> (<:as-is "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert(\"Hello
> World\")</script)")

grab a very recent ucw and parenscript (see other email to

  (alert "Hello World"))

that is sooooo much better.

having said that, what you probably want is just an easy way to read
in a string and setup the delimiting chars based on the content of the

CL-USER> (defun |#/ reader| (stream sub-char prefix)
           (declare (ignore sub-char prefix))
           (with-output-to-string (string)
                with delimiter = (read-char stream t nil t)
                for char = (read-char stream t nil t)
                until (char= delimiter char)
                do (write-char char string))))
|#/ reader|
CL-USER> (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\/ #'|#/ reader|)
CL-USER> #/"foo"
CL-USER> #/!foo!
CL-USER> #/'foo'

You could just as well make it always use #\/ and avoid the extra

> As you can see I had to escape several double-quotation-marks in
> order to make lisp handle this as one Sting. This "escaping by hand"
> might be ok for short and handwritten snippets, but if I've got some
> longer js-code with lots of " in it, it will become some work to
> escape all all of them " by hand (if even possible).

you could also just put everything in an external js file and pass the
:javascript arg to simple-window-component.

> This is why I'am looking for some function which escapes all " within
> that snipped.
> In php I'd easyly write someting like this:
>  <? echo addslashes($snipped) ?> or
> <? $mysnipped = '<script type="text/javascript"> alert ("Hello World")
> </script>' ?>
> I'm absolutely sure that something similar is even possible with
> lisp, but I didn't realize how to do so far.


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Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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