[Bese-devel] method combination

R. Joseph Wright joseph at mammalia.net
Wed Aug 10 19:56:54 UTC 2005

On Aug 9, 2005, at 9:07 PM, Larry D'Anna wrote:

> here's standard method combination for the interpreter.  Also adds  
> &rest support.

Can you explain this part?

 >(defparameter *c* nil)
 >defmethod/cc supercool :before (x)
 >  (print 'before)
 >  (let/cc k (setq *c* k)))
 >  (supercool 7))
 >(kall *c*)

(\_/)  Joseph
(o,o)  Those are my principles.  If you don't like them I have others.
()_()   --Groucho Marx
  " "

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