[Bese-devel] method combination

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Wed Aug 10 14:22:10 UTC 2005

"Marco Baringer" <mb at bese.it> writes:

> Larry D'Anna <smoof-ra at elder-gods.org> writes:
>> here's standard method combination for the interpreter.  Also adds
>> &rest support.

  unless you're carefull you may not realize exactly for cool larry's
  patch is.

  let's pretend (i actually have this setup) that you have three or
  four task components which represent the central workflows of your
  app, and they all need to update userinfo after a certain amount of
  time (so they all subclass the my-generic-task component):

  (defaction start :before ((task my-generic-task))
    (when (user-data-too-old (call 'my-login))
      (call 'update-user-info)))

  come on, how fucking cool is that? instant "web aspect oriented
  programming". if you make the my-login-component use ajax (aka
  javascript) you get 'ajax aspect oriented programming' for more
  buzzwordness. of course, since this app runs on expensive servers
  and i wear a coat and tie when i meet the client it's actually
  "enterprise ajax aspect oriented programming objects".

p.s. - i've looked through (and even commited!) larry's patch but i
       haven't actually tested it yet...

p.p.s. - this is begging for a video :)

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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