[Bese-devel] Small patches to get started using allegro

Henrik Hjelte jagarenbraperson at yahoo.se
Wed Apr 13 12:31:15 UTC 2005

Hi. I found some minor obstacles on my way to get
started with the current arch version of ucw on
allegro 7. It is now working so I'd like to share the
changes I made. 
First there seemed to be a problem compiling
mopp.lisp, similar problems to what frido had with
lispworks. Not digging deep into the problem, I found
that fridos "hackish" patch from the 24:th of march
worked fine with allegro as well, just change
#+LispWorks and #-Lispworks in fridos patch to #+(or
LispWorks allegro) and #-(or LispWorks allegro).
Second, there was a problem when running the demo,
allegro complained about "trying to displace an array
of type character to an array of type T". I had to add
the :element-type argument to make-array in
httpd.lisp, as below. I have also included it as a

Now I'm looking forward to trying it out..
/Henrik Hjelte

--- orig/src/backend/httpd.lisp
+++ mod/src/backend/httpd.lisp
@@ -344,6 +344,7 @@
     ;; get the parametetrs from the uri
     (awhen (position #\? (raw-uri request))
       (let ((query-param-string (make-array (-
(length (raw-uri request)) it 1)
:element-type 'character
:displaced-to (raw-uri request)
:displaced-index-offset (1+ it))))
         (add-parameters (parse-urlencoded query-param-string))))
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