[Bese-devel] LispWorks and UCW

Juergen Gmeiner gj at gjdv.at
Tue Apr 5 13:32:16 UTC 2005

Marco Baringer wrote:

>>i will submit the slime patch to the slime-maintainers as well,
>>but i think that ucw uses the backtracking stuff differently than
>>slime does internally ... so this is probably not a problem for them,
>>and it may or may not make it in.
> i'll apply the slime patch asap.

so i don't have to post this to the slime-devel list?

btw, while composing my mail to slime-devel, i played around
some more with my test-case.

the bug
- affects my test-case in the ide and slime
- does not affect normal slime backtraces, because when
    slime prints a backtrace, it does so by hijacking the
    normal ide debugger - and there is always an invoke-debugger
    frame on the stack.
- with ucw operation, the bug does not occur when having a
    slime connected, because in that case, ucw triggers the
    slime debugger, which works.
    only when ucw tries to send a html-backtrace to the browser is
    the bug triggered

in case you are interested, i attached the test case.

> how can we check for this?

i don't know, but i've asked on the lisphug mailing list.
i'll let you know if/when i hear something.


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