[Bese-devel] Getting up UCW

Chris Capel chris at iBankTech.NET
Mon Apr 12 00:31:57 UTC 2004

Using SBCL 0.8.8, I followed these steps:

1. Unpacked UCW 0.2 into ~/ucw
2. Added
   (require 'asdf)
   (pushnew "~/ucw/systems/" asdf:*central-registry*)
to my .sbclrc file.
3. Typed (load "ucw/examples/run-examples-mod-lisp") into a new sbcl toplevel.

I got this message after much compiling:

compilation aborted because of input error:
  READ failure in COMPILE-FILE:
    READER-ERROR at 819 (line 23, column 67) on #<FILE-STREAM
                                                  for "file \"/home/chris/ucw/src/rerl/request-loop-error.lisp\""
The symbol "FRAME-LOCALS" is not external in the SWANK package.

; /home/chris/ucw/src/rerl/request-loop-error.fasl written
; compilation finished in 0:00:00
   COMPILE-FILE warned while performing #<COMPILE-OP NIL {96E9D41}> on
   #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "request-loop-error" {96E9E21}>.

debugger invoked on a ASDF:COMPILE-FAILED in thread 7244:
  erred while invoking #<COMPILE-OP NIL {96E9D41}> on
  #<CL-SOURCE-FILE "request-loop-error" {96E9E21}>

You can type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:QUIT) to exit from SBCL.

restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
  0: [RETRY   ] Retry performing #<ASDF:COMPILE-OP NIL {96E9D41}> on
                #<ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE "request-loop-error" {96E9E21}>.
  1: [ACCEPT  ] Continue, treating #<ASDF:COMPILE-OP NIL {96E9D41}> on
                #<ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE "request-loop-error" {96E9E21}> as having
                been successful.
  2: [ABORT   ] Reduce debugger level (leaving debugger, returning to toplevel).
  3: [TOPLEVEL] Restart at toplevel READ/EVAL/PRINT loop.
 #<unavailable argument>
 #<unavailable argument>
 #<ASDF:CL-SOURCE-FILE "request-loop-error" {96E9E21}>)

Changing the line in question to use two colons fixed the problem. I was able to compile and get "Example Server Running".

I confirmed that UCW was listening for mod_lisp connections on 3001. When I tried to access the example URL, however, I got a connection but no response. It's still sitting there waiting. When I exit sbcl, it stops waiting, but no page. Does the example provide a default response, or is the example just an example of getting the connection to the client open?

Chris Capel

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