[Bese-announce] CL-ICU version 0.0.0

Marco Baringer mb at bese.it
Mon Jan 12 17:10:31 UTC 2004

cl-icu is a common lisp interface to IBM's unicode/i18n library ICU 
(http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu/). The goal of ICU is to provide 
convient i18n support to lisp applications by providing a convient 
interface to ICU.

Currently only basic date and number formatting are available (see 
sample/datefmt.lisp and samples/numfmt.lisp).

cl-icu is know to work on OpenMCl with ICU version 2.6, although the 
use of uffi and icu's relative api stability should minimize porting 
issuse. Due to some complexeties in loading libicui18n and libicuc 
please read the README file _before_ compiling and loading cl-icu, in 
particular you will probably have to edit a few files based on how icu 
was compiled.


Arch params:
archive: bese-devel at common-lisp.net
current dev branch: cl-icu--dev--0.0

Ring the bells that still can ring.
Forget the perfect offering.
There is a crack in everything.
That's how the light gets in.
	-Leonard Cohen

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