[beirc-cvs] CVS beirc

afuchs afuchs at common-lisp.net
Mon Mar 27 21:42:41 UTC 2006

Update of /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc
In directory clnet:/tmp/cvs-serv9934

Modified Files:
	beirc.asd message-display.lisp variables.lisp 
Log Message:
Add Thomas Persson's color code interpretation patch. Also, add *filter-colors*

--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/beirc.asd	2006/03/24 21:19:43	1.8
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/beirc.asd	2006/03/27 21:42:41	1.9
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 (cl:in-package :beirc.system)
 (defsystem :beirc
-  :depends-on (:mcclim :cl-irc :split-sequence :tab-layout)
+  :depends-on (:mcclim :cl-irc :split-sequence :tab-layout :cl-ppcre)
   :components ((:file "package")
                (:file "variables" :depends-on ("package"))
                (:file "events" :depends-on ("package"))
--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/message-display.lisp	2006/03/27 13:46:47	1.41
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/message-display.lisp	2006/03/27 21:42:41	1.42
@@ -7,6 +7,29 @@
 (defvar *current-message*)
+(defparameter *colors* `((0 . (:ink ,+white+))
+                         (1 . (:ink ,+black+))
+                         (2 . (:ink ,+blue+))
+                         (3 . (:ink ,+green+))
+                         (4 . (:ink ,+red+))
+                         (5 . (:ink ,+brown+))
+                         (6 . (:ink ,+purple+))
+                         (7 . (:ink ,+orange+))
+                         (8 . (:ink ,+yellow+))
+                         (9 . (:ink ,+light-green+))
+                         (10 . (:ink ,+dark-cyan+))
+                         (11 . (:ink ,+cyan+))
+                         (12 . (:ink ,+royal-blue+))
+                         (13 . (:ink ,+pink+))
+                         (14 . (:ink ,+grey+))
+                         (15 . (:ink ,+light-grey+))
+                         ("" . (normal))
+                         ("" . (underline))
+                         ("" . (inverse))
+                         ("" . (bold))))
+(defparameter *color-scanner* (cl-ppcre:create-scanner "[0-9]{1,2}(,[0-9]{1,2}){0,1}||||"))
 (define-presentation-type url ()
   :inherit-from 'string)
@@ -124,32 +147,138 @@
                   (string first-char)))
          (otherwise (values word ""))))))
+(defun extract-color (string)
+  (multiple-value-bind (start end)
+      (cl-ppcre:scan *color-scanner*
+                     string)
+    (if start
+        (let* ((message (subseq string end))
+               (color-code (subseq string start end))
+               (color-code (or (cl-ppcre:all-matches-as-strings "[0-9]{1,2}"
+                                                                color-code)
+                               (list (cl-ppcre:scan-to-strings "|||"
+                                                               color-code))))
+               (foreground (or (parse-integer (car color-code)
+                                             :junk-allowed t)
+                              (car color-code)))
+               (background (when (cadr color-code)
+                             (parse-integer (cadr color-code)
+                                            :junk-allowed t)))
+               (foreground (cdr (assoc foreground
+                                       *colors*
+                                       :test #'equal)))
+               (background (cdr (assoc background
+                                       *colors*
+                                       :test #'equal))))
+          (values message
+                  foreground
+                  background
+                  ))
+        string)))
+(defun split-before (delimiter string)
+  (let ((matches (cl-ppcre:all-matches delimiter string)))
+    (if matches
+        (loop for (a b c) on matches by #'cddr
+              collecting (subseq string a c) into strings
+              finally (return (if (zerop (car matches))
+                                  strings
+                                  (cons (subseq string
+                                                0
+                                                (car matches))
+                                        strings))))
+        (list string))))
+(defmacro do-colored-string ((string-var str) &body body)
+  `(dolist (part (split-before *color-scanner* ,str))
+     (multiple-value-bind (message foreground background)
+         (extract-color part)
+       (cond (*filter-colors* nil)
+             ((equal (car foreground)
+                     'normal)
+              (setf foreground-color +black+
+                    background-color +white+))
+             ((equal (car foreground)
+                     :ink)
+              (setf foreground-color
+                    (cadr foreground))
+              (when background
+                (setf background-color (cadr background))))
+             ((equal (car foreground)
+                     'bold)
+              (setf bold (if bold nil :bold)))
+             ((equal (car foreground)
+                     'underline)
+              (setf underline (not underline)))
+             ((equal (car foreground)
+                     'inverse)
+              (setf inverse (not inverse))))
+       (with-drawing-options (t :text-face bold)
+         (let ((,string-var message))
+           (if inverse
+               (with-irc-colors (background-color foreground-color underline)
+                 , at body)
+               (with-irc-colors (foreground-color background-color underline)
+                 , at body)))))))
+(defmacro with-irc-colors ((foreground background underlinep) &body body)
+  `(with-sheet-medium (medium *standard-output*)
+    (let ((record (with-new-output-record (t)
+                    (with-drawing-options (t :ink ,foreground)
+                      , at body))))
+      (with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom)
+          record
+        (unless (equal left right)
+          (unless (equal ,background +white+)
+            (with-identity-transformation (medium)
+              (draw-rectangle* *standard-output*
+                               left
+                               top
+                               right
+                               bottom
+                               :filled t
+                               :ink ,background)
+              (replay-output-record record *standard-output*)
+              (setf (stream-cursor-position *standard-output*)
+                    (values right top))))
+          (when ,underlinep
+            (draw-line* *standard-output* left (- bottom 1)
+                        (- right 1) (- bottom 1)
+                        :ink ,foreground)))
+        record))))
 (defun format-message* (mumble &key (limit *default-fill-column*) (start-length 0))
-  (loop for (word . rest) on (split-sequence:split-sequence #\Space mumble)
-	with column = start-length
-	do (incf column (length word))
-	when (> column limit)
-	  do (setf column (length word))
-	     (terpri)
-	do (multiple-value-bind (%word stripped-preceding-punctuation) (strip-preceding-punctuation word)
-             (multiple-value-bind (word% stripped-punctuation) (strip-punctuation %word)
-               (write-string stripped-preceding-punctuation)
-               (cond
-                 ((or (search "http://" word%) (search "https://" word%))
-                  (present-url word%))
-                 ((or
-                   (nick-equals-my-nick-p word% (irc:connection *current-message*))
-                   (and (current-connection *application-frame*)
-                        (irc:find-user (current-connection *application-frame*) word%)))
-                  (present word% 'nickname))
-                 ((channelp word%) (present word% 'channel))
-                 (t (write-string word%)))
-               (write-string stripped-punctuation)))
-	   ;; TODO: more highlighting
-	unless (or (null rest) (>= column limit))
-	  do  (write-char #\Space)
-	      (incf column))
-  (terpri))
+  (let ((foreground-color (medium-foreground *standard-output*))
+        (background-color (medium-background *standard-output*))
+        (bold nil)
+        (underline nil)
+        (inverse nil))
+    (let ((column start-length))
+      (loop for (word . rest) on (split-sequence:split-sequence #\Space mumble)
+            do (do-colored-string (word word)
+                 (incf column (length word))
+                 (when (> column limit)
+                   (setf column (length word))
+                   (terpri))
+                 (multiple-value-bind (%word stripped-preceding-punctuation) (strip-preceding-punctuation word)
+                   (multiple-value-bind (word% stripped-punctuation) (strip-punctuation %word)
+                     (write-string stripped-preceding-punctuation)
+                     (cond
+                       ((or (search "http://" word%) (search "https://" word%))
+                        (present-url word%))
+                       ((or
+                         (nick-equals-my-nick-p word% (irc:connection *current-message*))
+                         (and (current-connection *application-frame*)
+                              (irc:find-user (current-connection *application-frame*) word%)))
+                        (present word% 'nickname))
+                       ((channelp word%) (present word% 'channel))
+                       (t (write-string word%)))
+                     (write-string stripped-punctuation))))
+            do (unless (or (null rest) (>= column limit))
+                 (do-colored-string (s " ")
+                   (write-string s)
+                   (incf column))))
+      (terpri))))
 ;;; privmsg-like messages
--- /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/variables.lisp	2006/03/27 13:46:47	1.13
+++ /project/beirc/cvsroot/beirc/variables.lisp	2006/03/27 21:42:41	1.14
@@ -49,4 +49,8 @@
 (defvar *meme-log-bot-nick* "cmeme"
-  "The name of the meme channel log bot")
\ No newline at end of file
+  "The name of the meme channel log bot")
+(defvar *filter-colors* nil
+  "If set to non-NIL, filter color, bold, inverse and underline
+codes from IRC messages.")
\ No newline at end of file

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