[asdf-install-devel] Relative symlinks to sysfiles

Chaitanya Gupta mail at chaitanyagupta.com
Mon Dec 24 20:51:18 UTC 2007


One minor problem I have with asdf-install is that symlinks (usually in
the systems/ directory) to .asd files are absolute, and not relative.
This becomes a pain if you want to shift your Lisp libraries to a
different directory from the one they were installed in - all the
symlinks have to be created again.

So I have attached a small patch which allows one to create relative
symlinks to .asd files (usually in the systems/ directory) -- if
*relative-symlinks* is non-NIL, the symlinks created are relative. The
code is not all that great, but this is the "best, hopefully portable"
solution that I could come up with (will be great if anyone can suggest
improvements). It works on ACL8 and SBCL 1.0.5 on OS X (I cannot test it
on other environments right now, but it should work fine on Linux for
these two implementations, I think).

The patch is in unified diff format (created using darcs diff -u). If
its good enough, I'll create a patch file and send it. Otherwise
suggestions are always welcome.


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