I should know this... finding INPUT-FILES

Robert Goldman rpgoldman at sift.info
Fri Jan 24 21:53:09 UTC 2020

On 24 Jan 2020, at 15:30, Phoebe Goldman wrote:

> The impetus for this question is, I have subclassed cl-source-file 
> with org-source-file and have defined tangle-op (as a subclass of both 
> sideway-operation and upward-operation). my perform method is:
> (defmethod perform ((op tangle-op) (file org-source-file))
>   (let* ((input-file (first (input-files op file)))
>          (output-file (first (output-files op file))))
>     (tangle input-file output-file)))
> where (tangle input-file output-file) runs emacs in batch mode to 
> produce a lisp source file.
> How can I define my input-files and output-files methods to make the 
> lisp source files appear in some build directory maintained by ASDF, 
> rather than in my source tree?

If I understand Faré correctly, you define output files normally, but 
then I believe you need to do the following:

(defmethod input-files ((op compile-op) (file org-source-file))
     (output-files (asdf:make-operation 'tangle-op) file))

If I'm right, this will ensure that `compile-op` sees the translated 
pathnames for the lisp files, instead of looking in the source 
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