Simple (?) Windows question

Daniel Kochmański daniel at
Mon Mar 21 21:58:18 UTC 2016

Hm, I think you may also look for :posix and/or :unix in the *features*,
maybe they are present under cygwin.

Robert Goldman writes:

> On 3/21/16 Mar 21 -4:16 PM, Dmitry Igrishin wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> 2016-03-21 23:57 GMT+03:00 Robert Goldman <rpgoldman at
>> <mailto:rpgoldman at>>:
>>     On 3/21/16 Mar 21 -3:38 PM, Daniel Kochmański wrote:
>>     > Don't know about the other implementations, but afair ECL puts :cygwin
>>     > in the *features*. Maybe check, if trivial-features handles cygwin
>>     > portably?
>>     That was a good suggestion, but I'm afraid the answer is "no." No
>>     handling of cygwin in trivial-features.
>>     Unfortunately, there's also no :CYGWIN feature in *FEATURES*, at least
>>     not in the February release I just installed on my VM.
>> Just curious, does anyboy know, how many lispers runs Lisp under Cygwin?
> Note that from my POV there are 2 issues here:
> 1. ASDF should run correctly under cygwin.
> 2. At the moment, the only way I know of to run the tests on Windows is
> through Cygwin, since they are based on make and a shell script.
> It is possible that at least #2 could be eased by running under MinGW,
> but I have never used MinGW. It sounds like it might not have as many
> pathname incompatibilities as Cygwin.
> I don't know if I can install MinGW without breaking my Cygwin install.
> I'd hate to mess up my (extremely brittle and rickety Windows VM).  Any
> advice (probably off-list would be best) would be much appreciated.
> thanks,
> r

Daniel Kochmański ;; aka jackdaniel | Poznań, Poland
TurtleWare - Daniel Kochmański      |

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